I presume that most of you have got the essence of the post just by reading the title nevertheless I am going to narrow down on the topic and try to find what is lacking in our system i.e. why 9/11 is not repetitive and 26/11 is likely to be . To make the post shorter , I am directly putting the rationale behind my perception of what is deprived in our national security system or to put in other words , why U.S. security system is much more sophisticated that ours.
I am going to narrate two contemporary instances for the very purpose of proving my perception.
1. Frisking of former president of India :-
former Indian president has been frisked by an American airline that too , on the Indian territory and that too in spite of being an opposing Indian law that no former president of India can undergo frisking. How can a private airline do this kind of horrendous crime with a former president ?? Answer is very simple , the airline is a private American airline and according to U.S. laws all the on board passengers on any airline which is going to land in America have to undergo frisking , no matter who the individual is. So abiding by the laws of its own country is the most vital for it to sustain.
2. Detention of SRK in U.S. :-
This highly hyped episode also depicts that if you seem to be a suspect of any crime to the U.S. officials then irrespective of how large your fan community is , you are required to go through the same procedure as it is for others. Although the immigration officials knew the plethora of information about SRK , yet he has been grilled by officials just because his surname appeared on their computer screen . There is no provision of special rules and Regulations for any star in U.S. unlike India. So we should appreciate the U.S. officials , for they are doing their job with zero tolerance and at the same time ensuring that there is no more 9/11.
In U.S. any traffic cop can book the daughter of president of united states if she is found guilty for speeding. These are the things that they have done for making 9/11 a non-repetitive function. Their ultimate objective is being fulfilled by these stringent laws . These are some precise reasons why there is no 9/11 after 2001.
On the contrary , today our PM has given guidelines to all chief ministers and other highly ranked Indian officials that Pakisthani based terrorists are planning fresh attacks , so get yourself prepared with the new subsidies and compensation money to all the future victims and that is precisely what the state chief minsters are doing . There is no stringent action which has been taken post 26/11 to combat the crime infrastructure in India . There is absolutely no change in the way things are being implemented before 26/11 and after that . There are special rules for all star icons , all VIPs and relatives of VIPs and relatives of relatives of VIP and so on until the series diminishes to a common man .
So finally , I would say it is the inherent nature of Indian security system that makes it more vulnerable and if this situation persists then I can bet that 26/11 is going to be a recursive function with no return statement in itself.
PS : As many of my friends suggested to write on something funny so as to increase the blog hits , surely i am going to do that . wait for the next post.
I dont care about film stars.. but a former head of a state no matter which country he/she is from should be considered honourable no matter what his/her personal qualities are.
ReplyDeleteThey should be given special previlages PERIOD.
Moreover, police dont work by checking each and every individual to find a bomb or gun. They generally know where to search and whom to search. There is a thing called intelligence, which exists for this very purpose.
CIA, considered to be a famous intelligence agency definitely now whom not to search like a former heads of a state.
so next time you want to blog about how paranoid americans' frisking is more secure than Indian officials' saluting please dont bring Dr. Kalam's incident into that.
Roger what Rohith said.
ReplyDelete@rohith sir : I fully endorse your ideology. A head of state truly deserves respect and A great scientist like Dr. kalam's frisking incident is indeed an awful and shameful conduct by the airline official . So the intention was definitely not to offend Dr. Kalam or anybody for that matter rather to emphasize upon their security policies and laws. Here I didn't speculate about what continental airline did was correct . What I meant here is that their private companies are loyal to their govt. policies and laws and they abide by those laws.
ReplyDelete@karan sir : understood.
In both cases the officials wanted to show how serious they are for their job and they took advantage of their position.
ReplyDeleteProblem is, they will not check the actual terrorist for whatever reason otherwise no attack is possible.
Both cases mentioned above, rather than being examples of the "stringency" of US laws and the incorruptibility of US officials, are paradigms of the infamous racial/religious profiling followed by the US immigration dept. Dr. Kalam is not only a former Head of State but also a world renowned scientist and visionary. Frisking him was totally unwarranted. In the case of SRK, a routine check should have been enough. He was, however, detained at the airport for over 2 hours and unnecessarily harrased. And all this because they were Muslims.
ReplyDeleteStopping 9/11 kind of attacks is not as difficult for the US as it seems. It is a geographically isolated country that does not share any land border with a hostile country. Comparing it with India, which shares a combined border length of more than 6,000 km with countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, who are hell-bent on creating havoc in the country, is not justified. The India-Bangladesh border is completely porous which makes land infiltration a piece of cake for the terrorists. Terrorism here cannot be stopped by just following some strict screening procedures at airports or by having traffic cops that "can book the daughter of president if she is found guilty for speeding".
I agree that the government has not done enough to prevent future terrorist acts in the aftermath of the 26/11, but there is also very little the government can do. Yes, it can improve the intelligence agencies and work on preventing infiltration, but all the terrorists need is one security lapse and we have a 26/11 all over again. Vigilance is important but it is not the solution.
@Rahul : thanks for reading and commenting. You said that SRK was detained because he was a muslim . Do you know how many times SRK has gone to U.S. and has been detained. I guess this is the first time he has been detained . So my question to you is , during his previous visits wasn't he a muslim ? SRK was detained this time because his surname appeared to the official's common list of suspects. If the sole reason of his detainment would have been his religion , then he must have been detained every time when he went to U.S. So I think what has been done to SRK is not racial in nature.
ReplyDelete"Frisking Dr. Kalam was totally unwarranted". I completely agree with you.
I again agree with your point that India is more vulnerable to terrorist attacks because of its geographical position , while it is not the case with U.S. , still their intelligence agency is undoubtedly much more powerful that their Indian counterpart to prevent such gruesome attacks.
"A traffic cop can book the daughter of president if she is found guilty for speeding". This was written to put an emphasis on the power and fearless job done by any police officer in U.S. unlike India . Of course any traffic cop can't prevent any kind of terrorist attack as it is out of his gamut , but by having independent and fearless officers with full support of intelligence agency , attacks can be minimized.
I don't agree with your speculations about our govt. can do very little . Our govt. can make a strong diplomatic international pressure on pakisthan who is providing the platform for terrorists. Pakisthan in spite of saying all the time that they are co-operating in the 26/11 trials , have released all the suspects of 26/11 . Not a single word in prosecution has been written there.