Sunday, February 22, 2009

starting of a new life

This is gonna to be my first post in my blog , so i am feeling somewhat nervous thinking that who is gonna waste his time reading the stuff which i am going to write here as i am amateur blogger as of now and on the contrary i am quite excited about new thing which i am going to start right now .
Well , i will start my blog from my college life @IIIT because before my college there are very few things to say about me which may be described in just a single line as - no adventures in my life , fixed schedule , spending my whole time doing only productive stuff , no time for anything except bansal classes sheets and question banks etc . Then luckily got a decent rank in AIEEE and finally got in IIIT.
After completing 3 semester in IIIT , there are few questions which often comes to my mind .
The origin of the brain teasers goes as follows :
Now, when i think of my nostalgic life @school , then it seems that i have undergone the tremendous surgery of my brain after my school so as to mould myself into the world of IIIT . My perspective about everything has undergone the substantial changes , but now i am in a quandary that how can a person undergo so many atonements in his life style in a very short period of time ? How can a person always mingle among his friends about the allure and nubile girls quite often and without hesitating , whereas the same person didn't have a second to give a glance on this riveted issue just 4 months back ? How can the same person who used to struggle with the books 12 hours a day , simply starts giving the same 12 hours in gossiping , watching movies and doing the stuff which is not crucial to him ? Is this some kind of mutation only applied to human , which is till now not discovered in the genetics by the researchers or is this a natural phenomenon that a homo-sapien out of scrutiny or not under surveillance starts doing bizarre things which he/she is not doing since his/her existence or is this the case that whatever stuff we do in our life , are culmination of the peer pressure and those things we would not have done otherwise ?
My first sem was quite exciting and had boosted my level of confidence onto the seventh cloud as i was able to finish my so called toughest and highly challenging C assignments problems during the same day of release of assignment ( thanks to my previous knowledge of c++ in school ) . The rest of the subjects were quite easy as i understood the IIIT style of getting the marks in exams just by reading the notes ( provided u have written the same , otherwise just beg in front of the somebody else to teach . Didn't dare for reading the book and that too if you had the book otherwise no option except convincing somebody to teach the basics in that crucial time .BTW i did write the notes in my first sem.) the night before the exams . I was tremendously surprised by the way i got the marks just by one day study( or to be precise one night study ) . I still remember how i answered the same question twice in ITWS-1 to redeem other wrong answers and eventually the methodology succeeded and i got additional marks[:D] . Thanks to IIIT TA's .Thus i did get free time and then the mind started thinking in a very different directions . ( truly said 'Idle's mind is devil's workshop ' ). So this way the first sem went quite ok and also managed to get 9 which is supposed to the position of prestige and you will get a new title ("BOND") irrespective of whether you truly deserve it or not .( BTW i don't understand how the word came into existence in this scenario ).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hey, blog was indeed a wonderful start to a new life at IIIT....

  3. nice work pankaj ..keep it up!!

  4. LIAR ........... I really do not believe for a second that you did last night studies [:)] you are a frightfully principled guy to do that ...... neways as to your pondering why we do what we do when left loose with no one to watch over us ........ i guess it is just as well that we try everything and anything new ..... otherwise how would one ever discover one's "hidden" talents ? And after all what sets homo-sapiens apart is their rather pain-in-the-ass inquisitiveness about the unknown..... some of the best inventions have come into existence because people tried out "what they never would have done otherwise"........ btw a nice blog ........ a little grammatical errors here and there but was fun reading ur posts
