Friday, August 14, 2009

The more things change , the more they remain the same : Mathematical and Societal perspective

Change is one of the most indispensable part of human society which is driven by time. There is no life without change. So change is the only constant thing in our life , but if that is the case what does the title supposed to convey ? How can something undergo change and still remains the same ?
How can there be light and darkness at the same time ? How can something exist and at the same time it doesn't ? Isn't that paradoxical ? I think "The change" is not Mr. India of that famous movie who in spite of being there , is not there.
Although the cliche appear to be insane and totally preposterous , for obvious logical reasons that i have cited above , nevertheless we will try our coherent thinking onto it .

Mathematical perspective :-

It is once said by Prof. Srinathan ( a great mathematician ) that if something is true , we can mathematically give a rigorous proof that it is actually happened to be true and if nobody can actually find a mathematical technique to prove it , no matter how hard and meticulously he try to find it , we can not conclude that it is not true . As he went on saying , it is the limitation of the mathematician and not of mathematics and may be the future generations will be more intellectually advanced to prove or disprove it.( we can think of P = NP classical problem to actually verify what prof. had said ).

Now lets try to use mathematics to rescue from this problem , for if we are able to prove it then we are through and on the other side if we aren't then also we are on the safe side .

Lets consider a physical quantity lembda denoted by L .
and over a period of time change in L being del(L) where del (.) is some function on L.
Time taken for this change to happen being del(t) where del(.) is some function on t.
So the change taken place per unit time is del(L)/del(t) by using simple arithmatic.

Since in mathematics we check the correctness of our technique by applying it on the boundary conditions , for if it is true for some values then it must be true for all values including the boundary values .

If we look at the change for a very small time , implicitly implies that del(t)-> 0 . Since according to the principle of theory of computation we can not do any finite or infinite computation in zero time because if that was the case then power of adversary is infinite which is next to impossible as per turing machine model. So if del(t) -> 0 implies that del(L)-> 0
together implies that del(L)/del(t) -> 0/0 which gives us a indeterminate form and we are stuck.

The other boundary conditions is when we oversee changes over a large period of time . As the title says that the more things change , we would make the changes to be very large .
so del(L) -> infinite .
Since infinite changes in L can not happen in finite time according to the same principle . so del(t) -> infinite , but then we look at the rate of change del(L)/del(t) -> infinite/infinite which is again indeterminate form.

So where does mathematics trying to take us ? Looking at the perspective of mathematics : The more things change , the more they become inderminate or complex .

Societal perspective :-

In accordance with human perspective , the cliche can be looked upon in various forms .
In this world everything is changing and the change become so common to the world that it is the only thing which happens all the time . So in some sense it is becoming the only constant being , thus no matter the scale of change occuring to various things , it is the change which will remain the same. Everything in the world will still remain under the sky as it is the limit. It can not go beyond that.

some illustrations from our own life in favour of the fact :-

1. Irrespective of which govt. comes in power in india and they bring in some innovative schemes to change the society , to combat the terror and crimes drastically and to increase the GDP , but immaterial of that , everything still remains the same at the ground level . History is the eye-witness of this obnoxious fact . Here we are not concerned about the rationale of why is this so . May be some other post will take up this issue.

2.Irrespective of what grades we have got in our previous semesters , the current semester will pass in the very same manner as the prevous ones. To put it in more general way and more bluntly , no matter how hard we try to correct our mistakes of past , we end up repeating the same mistake again and again .

3.Irrespective of how many chicks have we seen in the past , whenever a new one comes , we end up thinking about the same insane things again and screwing up the game.

4. Man , being a social creature is bound to have changes in his life but internally , from his soul he remains the same human being with the same qualities that he was possessing previously. There is no change in his behaviour or his intensions to help others.

5. If we want to change something in ourselves , then we can only change that very something only for a small period of time after which that very something looks like it hasn't undergone any changes because that very something might have undergone changes in its shape and size but not in its inherent properties that that very something must posses to prove its identity. As It is the inherent nature of something that makes it what it is.

So is it indeed true that the more things change , the more they remain the same ?
and what can we say about the reverse of the title ? i.e. The more things remain the same , the more they change.

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